Kaili Moore

Portside Real Estate Group


Ninja Selling Comes to Portland!

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Portisders gathered at the Canopy Hotel in Portland on November 9th for a one-day Ninja Selling Installation! This one-day conference featured Ninja Sellings “Building a Smart Business” program. A 6-hour in-person introduction to the Ninja Selling system and acts as a springboard for the full 4 day Ninja installation, which Portside held 2 [...]

Portside Gives Back: Holiday Gift Drive

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Portside Real Estate Group's Pop Up Holiday Drive returns on Monday, November 15th, running through Wednesday December 15th. New this year a fourth location!

Stop by one of our four locations and donate goods (Listed Below) to support our two beneficiaries: The Shalom House and Maine Children's Home.

Shalom House:  Shalom House helps [...]

1% for Maine® Mid Year Report



Dear Community,
It is with overwhelming excitement that we share the success of our first six months of giving as 1% for Maine®. In just six short months we have collectively poured $72,000 back into our communities in an effort to support Maine's youth. Knowing that this initiative is new within the community and within the company, we wanted to take this opportunity to share with you a bit more about how it [...]

Portside Mid-Year Refresh [Report]

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At Portside's Annual Mid-Year Refresh meeting we joined together to take a look back at the first half of the year and strategized on best practices to better serve our clients as we enter the second half of an interesting year in real [...]

Days on Market Trending Down!

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Days on market are trending down in Mane & New Hampshire!


Does this mean that now is a good time to list your home?


In Q1 of 2021, we saw the median days on market decrease overall in Maine & New Hampshire, at the same time we are seeing an increase in the number of units hitting the market. that market data paired with knowledge of [...]

1-10 of 13 Posts
modern living room with wood flooring and dining table. Blue filter overlaying image. modern living room with wood flooring and dining table. Blue filter overlaying image. modern living room with wood flooring and dining table. Blue filter overlaying image.

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